DRK Ambulance Grouping with SA Sportsbadge & booklets
DRK Grouping with SA Sportsbadge & booklets. Nice grouping all from the same individual, Otto Arendt served with the DRK Ambulance service. Civil profession was Miner. Served WW1 with the Artillery and recieved October 1918 the 1914 Iron Cross 2nd class. Grouping consists of:
- DRK Membership booklet, 3-3-1928, passphoto removed
- SA – Sports badge in bronze, exercise booklet
- SA – Sports badge in bronze, award booklet with passphoto in DRK uniform
- SA – Sports badge in bronze, marked with Karl Henschler – Pforzheim.
- Very worn Wehrpass, with his passhoto in Civil uniform
- Nice small photo from him in full DRK uniform, wearing his badge!